
[A: Normal] Demon Slayer Q Posket - Kamado Tanjiro - III


Tanjiro is the eldest son of a large, fatherless family who lives in an isolated mountain house in the woods. Everything changes when his family is attacked and slaughtered by demons. Tanjiro and his sister Nezuko are the only survivors of the accident. Nezuko has now become a demon, but she still surprisingly shows signs of human emotions and thoughts. Tanjiro becomes a demon hunter to help his sister become human again.

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Tanjiro is the eldest son of a large, fatherless family who lives in an isolated mountain house in the woods. Everything changes when his family is attacked and slaughtered by demons. Tanjiro and his sister Nezuko are the only survivors of the accident. Nezuko has now become a demon, but she still surprisingly shows signs of human emotions and thoughts. Tanjiro becomes a demon hunter to help his sister become human again.


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